When he sleeps he still curls up like he did as a baby not all sprawled out like his lanky siblings. He still wants Mommy to pick him up and hold him close. He still has a vocabulary made up predominately of grunts.
His hair is growing back with some of those baby curls. He still takes naps with his blankie. He still wakes from those naps with the best rosy checks and snuggly sleep face. He thinks animal sounds are the best thing going. And that most animals say, “Quack”.
So I know he is still my baby.
But every day he is learning more and getting bigger. He is doing things on his own and telling us he doesn’t need us for everything.
He is reaching light switches, picking out his own clothes and “arrr”s like any good pirate. He has a wonderful imagination and comes up with the best games to play with his next in size sister. He likes to be a baby monkey, a puppy or a monster.
It happened. He’s two.
But at least he still looks like this when he sleeps.
Celebrating a darling boy with sweet smiles and lovely curls who has brought so much love and joy into this full home.