We dreamed of celebrating in Paris but decided instead forĀ Tofino. Good thing because Dan nearly had to drag me away…should have anticipated leaving five of the six littles with grandparents would cause tears and cold sweats (from me). Finally calmed down and enjoyed the drive although I couldn’t figure out what to do with myself once we arrived. Settling into needing to do nothing, we opted for beach. Beach walks, beach combing, beach wading, surfer envy (some day…), big waves, inching the capri yogas higher to enjoy more of the frigid surf, wimping out on the swim not because of the cold but to avoid being the crazy lady without a wetsuit (I get enough being the crazy lady with “all those kids”). A walk through the forest, a lookout discovered, secret tide pools, macro lens love, a little lady happy all day in her Ergo. And just because we could: a late night dinner overlooking the ocean which found me ravenous and heavy-lidded but not needing to rush for anyone’s bedtime (except my own); pizza on the beach, out of the box, without napkins; snacking in bed watching a movie because it’s not allowed.
Beautiful, wonderful, refreshing. But rather lonely, speckled with not too few “the kids would love it”s and “wonder what they’re doing now”s. Next time we’ll bring them.
Two sunsets. Two sunrises. Two grandparents who gave us a great gift. Two parents so happy to come back to the chaos, noise, responsibility and joy of this big family.