13 Responses to “the loving is good”

  1. Apseed says:

    Oh, I know this canning process and the joy it brings! My today’s post is the same as your (Ididn’t know until checked your blog, sorry!).

    P.S.- It’s strange, but the blogosphere community can be really alive and real!

  2. Hege says:

    Raspberry jam is my favourite. And I have desided that it’s going to be the first berry bush I’ll by for my new garnden next year 🙂 $5 for so much raspberries – here in Norway we would have to pay that or perhaps more for just one of those cups…

  3. Oh yum! Raspberry jam is so delicious. It is very good for upset stomachs too. The cherries look pretty good also. Enjoy your bounty. Jacinta x

  4. swanski says:

    I think you are the most productive expecting mother! I am anxiously awaiting fall because summer is just too hot for me the older I get.

  5. raspberries are hands down my fave. lucky you to be nesting during canning season 🙂

  6. angie says:

    Rachel you are amazing! I mean seriously, I can’t keep up with myself and 2 kids without being pregnant! I’m so excited to “meet” you new little Jay.

  7. Tracey says:

    My husband loves raspberries! We tried growing our own, but they didn’t survive our summer. I can’t believe you got a whole flat at that price! Way to go!
    I am beside myself waiting for you to deliver the new wee one. I hope you are finding sometime to rest, prop your feet up and relax before the big moment.xx

  8. Dear Rachel- awesome deal on the raspberries!!!
    And I’m thinking of you. . . anxious for you! Much love, Melanie

  9. Cory says:

    I love the idea of canning. I can’t get over how much sugar goes in which repels me. But it’s so silly cause when you actually use it, it’s just a little bit at a time. Much less than the backed goods I make, I’m sure!


  10. Ellen says:

    Wow, what a great deal. Glad that you were able to use it up, spontaneously. Sometimes I find great deals, but find it’s difficult to fit into the schedule and sometimes…that ‘great’ deal isn’t so great after all when it rots in my refrigerator. Ugh. Praying for a healthy arrival soon!

  11. meghann says:

    Oh my goodness – I’m terribly jealous of the great deal you got on those raspberries. I think I’m going to have to start hanging out at the farmer’s market near closing time… xo

  12. Svenna says:

    You guys are amazing, so much goodness for your store cupboard and lucky recipients at Christmas! Not to mention getting ready for another little one. Wow!

  13. Janine says:

    You must share your drunken cherry recipe please! I cant wait to hear of the new arrival and so happy that you have your mom there to help you out!!

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