17 Responses to “birthday in red”

  1. Melissa says:

    Looks like someone had an awesome birthday! Loving all the red!

  2. amy@to love says:

    love these pictures! a great celebration 🙂

  3. meghann says:

    Oh, a happy sixth birthday to him! xo

  4. swanski says:

    Happy birthday!!! He looks like he had a fabulous day 🙂

  5. Luisa says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Love the bow tie so sweet.

  6. Taryn Oakley says:

    Happy birthday! So cute that he wears a bow tie!

  7. angie says:

    Happy Birthday sweet boy! What fun you have with all these birthdays to celebrate! I got a very special package today! Thank you:)

  8. Heather says:

    Happy Birthday to such a big 6 year old! And happy birthing day to you, Rachel!

  9. Grace says:

    Happy 6th birthday from MN!:) Love his little bow tie.;)

  10. PKJ says:

    Happy birthday- looks like you had a great celebration. Six seems so old, doesn’t it?

  11. Emily T. says:

    Liam is a boy after my own heart. I love bowties and red so much.

    Happy birthday, Liam! It looks like you had a wonderful day.

  12. Corrabelle says:

    Such a handsome little man with his handsome little fox:) Looks like a very enjoyable birthday! We have a bow-tie wearer in this house as well. Always ready to be classy!

  13. I LOVE that fox…and how adorable is it that he wears a bow tie just like your son…how adorable is it that your son wears a bow tie period! What a sweet birthday…he is seems like such a neat , little boy with a mind of his own! Kind of reminds me of my own first born!

  14. sweet! my just turned 9yo boy went through the bow tie phase when he was 5 and it was soooo cute. enjoy your little man, he sounds like a lot of fun!

  15. Jen says:

    First of all, Happy Birthday to your little guy!

    And I just had to chuckle when you wrote that he wears bowties and requested a tuxedo. Many moons ago, I used to babysit a little boy who always wore bowties. I’m sure that he probably requested a tuxedo from his mom and dad at some point, too. 😉

  16. Wishing a sweet boy a very happy 6th birthday. That fox is just gorgeous. The cake sounds really yummy too. Jacinta x

  17. cpcable says:

    Oh, Happy Birthday, Liam! He’s positively beaming!

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