18 Responses to “plain vest for two”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Rachel, you have such a gift – for making such pretty knits, and such adorable children 😉 Mira is getting big and looks so cute in her vest!

  2. Eszter says:

    I love the pictures of Sarah and Mira dressed the same! It’s wonderful.

  3. Dad says:

    The vests are incredible. ANd of course, you have such beautiful (and lovable) children!!

  4. so sweet! i love m’s fluffy cheeks!!! and yes, the girls in matching handknits? swoon!!!

  5. amy@to love says:

    love your pics! i just finished knitting that vest and just posted about it too!

  6. Jenn says:

    Beautiful kids, lovely knits!

  7. Melissa says:

    Those vests are so adorable! However, I think the models make them 😉

  8. swanski says:

    They look so cute together in matching sweaters! My sis and I would wear similar knits and we loved it 🙂 (when we were little of course)

  9. Kathryn says:

    Oh my goodness those guys are super cute in their vests. I love the addition of the little Kemper!

  10. Evelyn says:

    Loved seeing these beautiful photos of your beautiful babes. The vests are so sweet — they look incredibly cozy and pretty all at once.

  11. Svenna says:

    Both of them are so adorable in their new vests!

  12. meghann says:


    I also love those pickles patterns. I am 99.9% sure you are the person who turned me on to them, too! xo

  13. Karen sue says:

    lovin’ the vests. How about in my size?? I think that would be an excellant thing!

  14. Heather says:

    I love the matchy-match shot and the drooly smile – swoon.

  15. angie says:

    I want one for me!

  16. Such a sweet vest and sweet kiddos wearing them. I love Pickles patterns too. I have a few favourites, but of course have not knitted any so far! Story of my life. Jacinta

  17. […] do love the plain vest pattern. And this isn’t my first time mentioning it but I’m saying it again. It’s simple and fun and oh so sweet. I knit this […]

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