Things are low key this week here. I managed to stress myself into a bout of shingles. It is most thankfully a mild case but I’ve slowed way down while I let my body heal. I’ve been trying to take a break from everything but have still managed a few rows of knitting here and there.
Nothing new and exciting to report – another pair of these fingerless mitts for a sweet little friend, more decreasing on my Rae, a little more of my secret knit. I’m not making myself any knitting promises this week but I just may clear some needle space for the last little hurricane hat and the plain vest I’ve been itching to get started on…or maybe that’s just the shingles…
In reading I’m still working my way through An Irish Country Doctor. Such a nice, gentle read. It’s not griping, challenging or terribly enriching but just perfect for me right now.
And now I’m off to rest up and get better. Thanks for stopping by!
find more yarn along post over at Small Things