5 Responses to “perspective”

  1. Sachi says:

    Oh this was beautifully said. Brought a little sting to me and said so well. xoxo

  2. Earth Mama says:

    There is such a delicate balance, and I understand your thoughts as well. We limit our current events, and monitor what we say. These natural disasters are unfortunate, but life will go on. I believe in acceptance of what is, no matter what judgement is placed on it, and posative thought…and lots of love of course.


  3. angie says:

    beautiful post friend. I too struggle w/ wanting to know what is happening and not wanting to become engulfed in the news coverage of all the terrible things happening in the world. I find it getting harder and harder as the children grow and become more aware of what is going on in the world. Trying to keep their sweet childhoods perfect while letting them know we don’t live in a perfect world.

  4. Cory says:

    I’m with you. Seems the best thing we can do is appreciate what we have. Be kind and be honest. Exactly what you are doing.

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