17 Responses to “grace”

  1. Ellen says:

    Oh I know about those dangling sentences, and I’m not pregnant! There’s always a pull between resting and readying. Hope you can find a balance that doesn’t tire you out too much. Certainly your little ones can help with some of their messes (I’m assuming part of your cleaning is because of their creativity!). Funny, I was composing a post about forgetfulness just last evening…sort of forgot where I was going with it. 🙂

  2. Rain says:

    Beautiful! Happy, happy nesting 🙂

  3. You popped into my head last night and I suddenly wondered if you were in labor or the baby was coming soon.

    Thinking of you. xoxo

  4. Svenna says:

    Beautiful pictures, and words… nesting is such an amazing instinct, isn’t it. I remember going a bit mad with cleaning out cupboards and the like. And then I started baking a birthday cake for baby when labour began – unfortunately I never managed to finish that cake. Maybe next time. 🙂

  5. Deb says:

    Hang on a minute! What have I missed? I sense congratulations are in order. Another li’l jay bird. Wow. xxx

  6. Tracey says:

    Sounds perfectly normal to me for a woman who is about to give birth! I remember moving all the furniture in the house and scrubing everything insight. I have never asked…do you know if it’s a girl or a boy? xx

  7. This is beautiful, Rachel. I’m thinking of you often! <3

  8. Claudine says:

    What a beautiful post Rachel and the checklist is simply perfect for this magical time of anticipation!

    Sending blessings your way!

  9. swanski says:

    I was thinking maybe you were having the baby! Getting closer day by day 🙂

  10. angie says:

    Such a lovely post Rachel. I think all that you do is simply amazing. Your joyous little family is going to look perfect with a new wee one in tow! Can’t wait to meet him/her and here your birth story.

  11. Jennifer says:

    Thanks for your lovely post Rachel. I find your words so inspiring. I hope your coming days are as comfortable as possible, and I can’t wait to hear about your new little Jay 🙂 Sending a hug your way!

  12. Katie says:


    Such beautiful words these are. Hoping you are feeling well today. How much longer do you have?


  13. MJ says:

    What a beautiful post Rachel. I am so happy for you and love hearing about all your nesting activities. So you have really clean floors!! Perfect:). And halfsies are better than forgetting completely right!
    Xx oo

  14. I never cease to be amazed at what pregnancy does to us on a metal and physical level. Nesting is such a funny urge and one you just can’t ignore. I say go with what you feel you need to do. It all helps in some way to prepare for the impending birth. They say being on your hands and knees is great for getting the baby into an optimal position for birth, so maybe all that floor scrubbing is doing baby good! Jacinta x

  15. beautiful post. beautiful photos. and i say, enjoy the nesting. it’s hard to shut your brain off and rest at that point so enjoy, don’t stress, don’t worry, just nest the best way you know how. and lucky you, soon to be counting and kissing digits and cheeks while i’m still gestating away…jealous in the best way possible.

  16. Emily says:

    Such a full life indeed. Bless you.

  17. Abe says:

    I love this post.I wish I had go go gadget arms to stretch out and give you a hug:)

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