17 Responses to “::reality check::”

  1. Tracey says:

    You know, I have checked several times to see if you have any news! Babies do have their own time schedule! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.xx

  2. meghann says:

    I keep checking in to see if there is news, too! I can’t wait to “meet” your new little one… xo

  3. cpcable says:

    Soon, very soon! Sending all my positive thoughts your way. Hope you are finding ways to keep cool!

  4. Dear Rachel, It’s been too long since I was here last. I’m so glad I haven’t “missed” your Big Day because now I can really hold a space for you and think good thoughts in the next while. I shall! Happy belly rubs to you, friend. I hope you are putting your feet up lots right now!
    xo Jules

  5. I am so thankful my parents are here for a visit. Living across the states is hard stuff and the girls get so, so happy to see their grandparents.
    Pat that lovely belly for me.

  6. swanski says:

    Thinking of you and hope you and the baby are well!!

  7. Apseed says:

    Hoepfully you’re doing well! Visit my blog to see my “reality check”.

  8. Ellen says:

    When is your official due date? Or has it already passed? Get lots of rest (as best you can with your 5 little ones)!

  9. Polly says:

    Wow, how exciting! Good luck with everything and I hope you have a wonderful birth.

  10. Cory says:

    Oh my gosh!!!! Are you due? I just got chills. What a wonderful thing. I loved both my girls births. Painful, yes. But oh my gosh…the most wonderful and best pain. Ho Hum. Now i wish I could do it all again. ; )
    Love to you!!!!!

  11. Lydia says:

    Thinking good thoughts for you. Such an exciting time!

  12. Oh yes! Each in his/her own time. A healthy mama and babe means you have much to be thankful for.

  13. Leah says:

    Cant wait to hear news of his or her arrival!

  14. […] Rachel for another belated reality […]

  15. Svenna says:

    I’ve been thinking of you, whenever I haven’t heard anything for a while….
    Kaya was so kind to arrive on his due date, that was lucky for me.
    Your little one will know just the right time.

    Oh, and another belated reality check.

  16. Kristen says:

    Many well wishes on your newest little one! We are expecting #4 in October and I’m quite sure I’ll feel very similar to you….mine always take their time, too 🙂

  17. meghann says:

    I’m a bit late this week—I meant to get this up on Monday but I was having issues getting the picture to post to my flickr account…



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