15 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. angie says:

    So refreshing to know that others have the same problems as we do with the wool beast! I can’t seem to sit down unless I first encircle myself with several projects. As for the Red Pyramid, good to know. Corey is about to start the series, maybe I should check it out first…although after Lord of the Rings he’s probably good:)

  2. Heather says:

    Now I am worried, since I did not read it but my 8.5 yr old did. We talk about the book all the time. Hmmm. I need to read it now. I have The Home Creamery in my personal library. I really like having it as a reference. I go on spurts of yogurt, butter and cheese making. Love baby legwarmers. so ingenious. You can still see the cute little chubs, but their legs are warm. And diaper changing must be easier. and they can still wear cute dresses. Love it. (oh, and ignore those glances. You have friends who understand the knitting UFOs and yarn)

  3. Tracey says:

    I love homemade yogurt and eat it daily with granola, it’s better than ice cream! I have got to find a milk cow so I can be ready when you visit!

    My son read the Red Pyramid, but then he is 14 years old so a little older than yours.

    The leg warmers are adorable and I hope you take a picture of them on little chubby legs!

  4. swanski says:

    I have never made yogurt! You are so adventurous in the kitchen, more than I will ever be, I think!! Love the leg warmers πŸ™‚

  5. meghann says:

    We seem to be running in tandem with the books – I also went on a bit of a spree last week & we’ll be walking downtown to haul home all the books that came in at once today…

    So glad to hear you’re enjoying the yogurt – it *is* so easy, isn’t it? xo

  6. Jen says:

    The books sound intriguing.

    Secret hat knitting, huh? Wonder who that could be for… πŸ˜‰

  7. Angela says:

    Your kitchen adventures sound fun. I kind of like your reward system. πŸ˜‰

  8. Ellen says:

    You are cracking me up with this post today! The wool beast mistress, your reward system needing change (oh! I need that changed too)and the hold placing spree! Funny. I think it’s all these yarn alongs – my library holds have increased beyond measure! So have my fines.

  9. Jen says:

    I’ve got yarn all picked out to make my little one leg warmers! I’ve got sooo many projects going though I need to finish a few (or one) before I cast them on! I’ve got my own wool beast over here!! πŸ™‚

  10. They are going to be just precious. Tell us about the yogurt if you think to take pictures sometime, or maybe just the recipe.

  11. Kaylana Miller says:

    Ok. Now I don’t feel bad buying 6 liters of milk today. I’m glad someone else is out there making yogurt and butter and cheese and ice cream and… Most weeks we go through 10 liters of fresh cream too! My kids love the natural buttermilk/kefir for breakfast.

  12. I love those leg warmers too and you chose the perfect yarn. I think my little chubster needs a pair too : ) Yogurt…that is the stuff of life and my kids eat more than I can make most weeks. Isn’t it fun? I save any failed jelly and jam experiments to mix in with their yogurt : )

  13. Svenna says:

    Heehee, it looks very similar around here right now. My knitting bag is full, so branching out onto book shelves and window sills – knitting stuff everywhere. πŸ™‚
    The leg warmers will be so sweet, can’t wait for a shot of the chubby little legs modelling them! πŸ™‚

  14. Taryn Oakley says:

    baby legwarmers are so fun!

  15. Jennifer says:

    We eat probably as much yogurt as you and we are only 4! We love homemade yogurt. The kids sit and watch it waiting patiently for it to be ready, lol.

    I love the color combo on the leg warmers. They are going to be so cute when on chubby little legs.

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