19 Responses to “in colour”

  1. kjstewart says:

    Awesome pictures!! I love the one of the night lights…but then I think I love all the pictures!

  2. I love the buttons. My mom had a collection of buttons that I played with when I was a kid and I still get a thrill out of a big jar full of buttons.

  3. MJ says:

    Gorgeous colors!! Your lamps are to die for!!

  4. Dad says:

    Love the colours – especially enjoyable on a black and white winter’s day!

  5. giozi says:

    How colorful photos. Lovelies.

  6. angie says:

    great photos! I so wish for a decent camera for my photos. I take everything w/ my phone these days. Not that I’m complaining…

  7. angie says:

    I just had to let you know that the artwork on the cards in the dixit game is stunning! It truly is a fun family game!

    • Rachel says:

      Do you think it would work for the under eight crowd?
      I’m impressed you take all your pics on your phone – I actually just said it would be nice to have a phone with a decent camera to grab a quick pic when I don’t have my camera.

      • angie says:

        Actually I think dixit could totally work with the under eight crowd…it would change the dynamic a bit (as you know), but the directions are easy and really just rely on using your imagination. You could even skip winning and just try and guess who’s card matches the made up statement. I bet it would be fun because they would come up with crazy ideas that are whole stories.
        As for the camera, it is great having it right there on my phone, but it can’t capture the picture I see a lot of the time. Oh well, for now it works:)

  8. Island Jays says:

    Your beautiful basket of wool reminded me of an incredible rainbow I saw the other day – about 100 feet out on the water and of course I didn’t have my camera – it sure was a sight to see in all its glorious splendour and after such a sunless, grey winter.

  9. Adele says:

    What an abundance of color! I love all of the different textures and settings.

  10. Dmarie says:

    great photos. love that rainbow cap!

  11. Amanda says:

    I love your pictures and especially your basket of wool.

  12. Lisa says:

    LOVE your pics!
    Thanks for popping in, the yellow stool, I know hugh? LOVE IT ~ snagged it for $8 @an estate sale this last wkend! 🙂 It makes me smile! 🙂

    Now, I think I need to go cut up some sweaters – ha! Great post! 🙂

  13. Dakota Gal says:

    Amazing photos! Really stunning! And I LOVE that rainbow striped hat — did you make it? And if so, would you mind telling me where you got the yarn?

    • Rachel says:

      Thanks so much for the kind words! I did make the rainbow hat – he requested it for Christmas. It isn’t a self-striping wool just different colours of Paton’s Classic Wool from Michaels, with the exception of the yellow for which I had to use an acrylic because I couldn’t find yellow wool at the last minute. It’s a super easy roll-up hat.

  14. Ruth says:

    Your photos are so incredible, Rachel – love, love, love that colour theme! Especially the knitted rainbow – beautiful!

  15. perches says:

    What a great hat! And those library lights are so fun, I wish I had something like that in my house 🙂

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