20 Responses to “building my nest”

  1. Heather says:

    As a fellow nester, I am glad you are home. Love the look of your new digs too.

  2. Kathryn says:

    Such lovely photos makes me miss being there with you guys all the more!!

  3. swanski says:

    Oh my how your little one has grown! I am glad it feels like home. I knew it would eventually. Change is hard for me and I can sympathize with how you feel (felt).

  4. Melissa says:

    I think most mamas are nesters. I’m so glad you’re settling in. Soon it will feel like you’ve always been there.

  5. i’m a homebody and nester too. shall we start a club?

  6. Svenna says:

    It is looking really lovely, Rachel, so glad to hear you are settling in.
    And is that really Mira? My goodness..

  7. angie says:

    Oh sweet friend, so excited for you in your new home! Love the stairs, and of course those big eyes! You make such lovely little babies.

  8. abe says:

    Look! A Parade was one on Eli’s favorites!It is such a sweet book!

  9. cpcable says:

    This made me tear up a little bit, actually. It really is the people that make a house a home, but the nesting does help. 🙂 We are HUGE Gyo Fujikawa fans in our house. I have about 20 of her books that my mom gave to me when I was a baby. Silas loves them too!

  10. Tracey says:

    I am a nester too and understand completely how you feel about change. I have been going back and looking at posts I missed and hope you are feeling better Rachel. I was so sorry to see you had shingles again, I was afraid of that happening when I was reading your packing posts. I am glad you are now settled, your house is a home and you have bathrooms! Much love to you.

  11. Ellen says:

    I’m a nester too and don’t like change usually. I love all the light in your home – that provides such a feast for the eyes and heart.

  12. I’m such a nester too. 🙂
    Your new home is beautiful! So much light!

  13. Apseed says:

    I’m glad that you found peace and happiness in the new house (better to say in the new nest):)

  14. Dear Rachel, I am the same as you, a nester. I love these photos, and I am so happy you are all settling well into your new home! Toilets plural!
    <3 Mel

  15. Cory says:

    can’t believe I missed this. I love you too!
    your home is beautiful! gosh, weren’t those stairs carpeted before?
    your photos are so great. I love that one of the clothes drying…
    the simple pleasures of your NEW home.

  16. Heidi says:

    Welcome home! Home is where the heart is, and home is wherever you all are together 🙂
    Beautiful baby, she is so big!

  17. Corrabelle says:

    Hark!! Is that main floor laundry I see? I’m SO jealous! I can’t wait to see more, it’s all coming along so nicely!

  18. Pink Ronnie says:

    Hello dear friend,
    I’m so glad to read and see that you’re settling into your new home. It is the most wonderful feeling when a new house becomes home.
    (Also a huge fan of your couch! hehe)
    Ronnie xo

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